Grade 5:
Nutrient Lesson
Healthy Self- Outcomes Grade 6
1.1 investigate the concept of sexuality and sexual health
1.2 describe the most common sexually transmitted infections for youth
1.3demonstrate an awareness that personal needs for physical activity may change for girls and boys
as they develop physically and emotionally
1.4recognize the signs and symptoms of major depressive disorder and attention deficit/hyperactive
1.5 identify and practise health enhancing ways to manage feelings and changes associated with the
onset of puberty
1.6 differentiate between internal and external cues of hunger and satiety and suggest techniques for
mindful eating
1.7 describe the role of physical activity and healthy eating in maintaining healthy weight and
preventing chronic disease
1.8 assess total minutes of moderate and vigorous activity during school compared to after school and
Nutrient Lesson
Healthy Self- Outcomes Grade 6
1.1 investigate the concept of sexuality and sexual health
1.2 describe the most common sexually transmitted infections for youth
1.3demonstrate an awareness that personal needs for physical activity may change for girls and boys
as they develop physically and emotionally
1.4recognize the signs and symptoms of major depressive disorder and attention deficit/hyperactive
1.5 identify and practise health enhancing ways to manage feelings and changes associated with the
onset of puberty
1.6 differentiate between internal and external cues of hunger and satiety and suggest techniques for
mindful eating
1.7 describe the role of physical activity and healthy eating in maintaining healthy weight and
preventing chronic disease
1.8 assess total minutes of moderate and vigorous activity during school compared to after school and